We provide software solutions for your business.
Why CBC Software?
We customize and build custom solutions for your business

Human Resource Management Software

KaziHR – automates the Human Resources process of for your company. Eases recruitment, training, payroll, administration of benefits, performance appraisal and analysis, staff profiling and payroll management

Contract management software

SmartKontrakt – computerizes the management of legal agreements such as contracts with vendors, leases and licensing agreements. Provides reminding feature for expiring contacts both by email and SMS.

Inventory Management Software

StoreControl – computerizes the management of sales, purchases and simple accounting processes for your shop/shops by providing fast report accessible everywhere.

Customer relationship management

SmartCRM – simplifies the management of Customer and Leads contracts while providing you features that allow reminding meeting and other customer-related activities.

Fleet and Vehicle Management

QFleet – enhances vehicle financing, vehicle maintenance, driver management, fuel management while improving efficiency, productivity and reduce their overall transportation and staff costs.

Room management software

Room Manager – allows for easy and consistent bookings of rooms ranging from hotel rooms to conference rooms, etc to facilitate communications among stakeholders

Project Management software

QKolabo – helps project managers (PMs) and teams collaborate and meet goals on time while managing resources and cost. It includes task distribution, time tracking, budgeting, resource planning, team collaboration, and many more.

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